
Evan theoh

Even though I love and miss Washington I still enjoy Hawaii tremendously. I never thought I could be this happy in Hawaii right now. Tonight was amazing due to friends, the gift of communication, and creation. Everyone needs to stop and remember how much life is good. Stop and smell the roses man! Our problems mean nothing in this system, we need constant reminders about that. Why worry about how much money you need to save for next weeks bill? It's pointless to do so. Im not saying live a carefree life, you just need to appreciate what you have around you and make the best of things. Im starting to realize that now. I hope I feel this way forever because it's uh-ma-za-za-ziiing! I might just be rambling but I don't mind. I am too happy XD


Scureem sh0tz.

Some of my favorite movies! Got this idea from Paige. Try to name the mooovies..


I finally finished a video using my t2i. It's pretty amateur and im getting use to the camera so bare with me. Anyways, enjoy the slowmo in HD!


Suhams fizzit.

Just woke up

Look closely



Our room (Van)

Chillen in my "room"
